Textiles Illustration Graphic Design

Collaboration with Artworks for Freedom

Artworks For Freedom Banner

As an interdisciplinary artist with a background in textiles, I designed the ArtWorks for Freedom banner as a tribute to protest movements in the present and the past. The act of sewing has long been considered a craft instead of a fine art, and the medium itself has a long history of resistance and awareness.

The idea to make a banner in a quilt-like fashion seemed natural; some believe that coded quilts helped escaped slaves reach freedom along the Underground Railroad. The concept of codes being hidden in plain sight, which these quilts embodied, connects similarly to the issue of human trafficking and its solution.

Read the full blog post here:

Artworks for Freedom Blog Post

 Textiles Banner: 4 x 4’  Embroidery

Textiles Banner: 4 x 4’


Donate to Artworks for Freedom today to help fund their mission of educating the public about human trafficking through the arts

Donate to Artworks for Freedom today to help fund their mission of educating the public about human trafficking through the arts
