Textiles Illustration Graphic Design


Some selected accolades.


Hanging by a Thread mixed media show at Left of Center Gallery Spring 2024

Best American Artist: Room II a digital exhibition by Holy Art Gallery 2023

Art on Loop: a digital exhibition by Holy Art Gallery 2023 Berlin, Germany

Amethyst Remembrance: A Purple Show - Award of Distinction + People’s Choice Award

Amethyst Remembrance: A Purple Show an online exhibition by The Southern Tier Center for Emerging Artists 2023

Artist in Resident at Casa Na Ilha, Brazil 2023

Bachelors of Fine Arts at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts 2023

Bachelors in Civic Studies at Tufts University 2023

Senior Thesis Exhibition at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts 2023

Volunteer Artist for Artworks for Freedom + self realized exhibit for the organization at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts 2022

Student Printmaking Show at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts 2022

Student Photography show at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts 2022

Student Digital Art show at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts 2021

Student Art Show at Loyola Marymount University 2020




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