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Becoming informed does not have to mean something as arduous as going back to school and it certainly does not mean depending on your well-informed friends to give you all your knowledge by word of mouth. Instead, consider the option of occasionally reading a book or article, watching a video, or following a creator that knows what they’re talking about. This list is to give you exactly that: resources you can pick and choose to engage with. This list of research is specifically related to the fat experience in society, the harm of the anti-fat movement, and the roots of fatphobia/anti-fatness. I encourage everyone, regardless of opinion, to become well informed in this arena especially the era of click bait and mountains of propaganda generated by the wellness and fitness industries. There are many experts in this field who do incredible research and there are also many more individuals with valuable lived experience, and I only wish to amplify these voices.

Click Here for Shows, Podcasts, Instagram Pages, and more!

Your Fat Friend Film by Jeanie Finlay starring Aubrey Gordon https://www.yrfatfriendfilm.com/

Shrill TV series on Hulu based off of the book by Lindy West

My Mad Fat Diaries TV series

Dumplin’ Film directed by Anne Fletcher

Aye Yo Fat Girl! podcast by Saucye West https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQq1AHgCL8OUq4Ft9I2r1rNoV0aTQqLII

Fat Art History instagram page by Breanna Hurd @fatarthistory

Historical Fat People instagram page @historicalfatpeople

The Fat Museum instagram page @the.fat.museum

Fat Femme Collective an instagram page for Fat BIPOC femmes @fatfemmecollective

Fat Friendly Healthcare Providers website by Aubrey Gordon https://fatfriendlyhealthcareproviders.com/

Samantha Sponer